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Inaugural conference identifies collaboration themes, strengthens pan-African networks

ARUA’s International Launch Conference 2017

Climate change, political instability, inequality, migration and the burden of disease are some of the major challenges confronting humanity today, and they require concomitant collaboration across ideological, geographical and scientific borders, so that holistic, lasting solutions can be developed to benefit society.

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ARUA’s International Launch Conference: “Research in Africa Rising”

9 Feb 2017

Dates: 3-4 April 2017
Venue: Conference Facility, Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana

The conference is intended to introduce this new network of African Research Universities to the global community of research stakeholders, including African governments and international development agencies. It will showcase research being undertaken in ARUA member universities. Presentations will cover all the 13 thematic areas that ARUA is currently interested in, and will be done in both plenary and parallel sessions.

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