ARUA DVCs Convene in Stellenbosch for Strategic Discussions
ARUA DVCs met at Stellenbosch University for a one-day session to discuss ongoing programs and projects of the Alliance and explore new directions. The gathering also marked Prof. John Gyapong’s first official meeting with DVCs as Secretary General of the Alliance.
The DVC for Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies at Stellenbosch University, Prof. Sibusiso Moyo, who chaired the meeting welcomed her colleagues to Stellenbosch and expressed joy at the opportunity to host the meeting.
During the meeting, the DVCs received a comprehensive report from the Secretary-General which covered key issues outlined in the agenda, including updates on current initiatives. The meeting also included a focused discussion on preparations towards the Pilot Collaborative PhD training program.
The ARUA DVCs were later joined by the Vice Presidents/ DVCs of the World University Network (WUN) for discussion on potential areas for future collaboration, particularly in the areas of PhD training, career development for post-docs and other research partnerships.