Call for Papers: African Studies Association 66th Annual Meeting and Publishing Workshop

African Presences: Envisioning Africa in Text and Deed
Thanks to the generous support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY), the ASA is excited to announce two opportunities for Carnegie supports scholars: a pre-conference publishing workshop as well as three panels at the 2023 Annual Meeting on which Carnegie supported fellows will be invited to present their work.
Established in 1957, the African Studies Association (ASA) is the flagship membership organization devoted to enhancing the exchange of information about Africa. With almost 2,000 individual and institutional members worldwide, the ASA encourages the production and dissemination of knowledge about Africa, past and present. Each year, the ASA hosts an Annual Meeting to facilitate its mission and foster its global networks of Africanists scholars and practitioners. The 2022 ASA Annual Meeting will be held in Philadelphia, November 17-19, creating new opportunities to access path-breaking research and key debates in the field.