Universities as gateways between Africa and Europe: promoting a sustainable EU-AU partnership through university collaboration

In 2017, the AU-EU summit paved the way for the recognition of science collaborations and the need for strengthening the research and innovation capacity of African universities as key priorities in the African-European partnership.
Since then, huge progress has been achieved with regard to these two objectives, with particular momentum developing since late 2019.
At the policy level, key moments were the very first AU-EU research and innovation ministers’ meeting that took place in July 2020, and the launch of the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs in September 2018. At the programme level, new initiatives have been developed such as the African Research Initiative for Scientific Excellence (ARISE) Pilot Programme, while existing programmes have been endowed with significant additional investments for collaborations with African universities (Erasmus+, Neighbourhood, Development, and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), Horizon Europe).
Ahead of the EU-AU summit organised in February 2022, it is time now to take stock of the progress made over the last years and reflect on the developments needed to further strengthen African universities and African-European university collaborations in the long-term: how can these different initiatives be integrated in such a way that they jointly strengthen the capacity of African science in a sustainable way, enabling African universities to enhance their capacity for producing new scientific and socio-economic knowledge, delivering high-quality education, and contributing to innovation?
The Guild and African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) will organise a virtual panel discussion on 14 February 2022, part of Africa-Europe Science Collaboration Platform’s (AERAP) side events to the AU-EU Summit.
Register here to follow the panel and see the full programme for the side events here.
Speakers for the panel discussion will be announced soon.
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