ARUA Secretary-General appointed as Foundation Fellow of International Science Council

Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, Secretary-General of ARUA has been named among the Foundation Fellows of the International Science Council.

The creation of a Fellowship and appointment of the Fellows was announced in Paris on 9 June, 2022 by the President of the International Science Council, Peter Gluckman. The announcement mentions that the Foundation Fellows are recognized for their outstanding contributions to promoting science as a global public good. It further adds that the first cohort of Fellows includes eminent scientists, engineers and thought-leaders from the science-policy sphere who have made remarkable contributions to furthering understanding of and engagement with science.
The Fellowship is the highest honour that can be conferred on an individual by the International Science Council. As scientific experts and as knowledge brokers, they uphold the ISC’s vision of science as a global public good, of knowledge that is shared openly and freely to all who wish to scrutinize it and to use it to further understanding. The Fellows come from across the world and from different disciplinary backgrounds and sectors of work. Of the 66 Foundation Fellows announced today, there are 30 women and 36 men.
Peter Gluckman adds: “We want to clearly recognize those scientists who have and continue to contribute to the global voice for science. In that way we expand our footprint and our voice. Science needs champions, not just those who receive high profile scientific prizes but champions who can give voice to the global voice for science”.
Congratulations to Prof. Ernest Aryeetey.
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